Shark: Hey everyone were going to Australia!
Seahorse: No way I’m gonna bring my friends
Bush Rat: Where we gonna stay?
Shark: at the Koala Hotel of course
Eel: Isn’t that full of Koalas?
Shark: Yeah but they will make room for us
Croc: Oh great! Any dogs?
Shark: Sorry croc, no dogs, you ate them all when we went to Amsterdam, but there’s a Hyena in The Trinkets.
Seahorse: The trinkets are going to be there too? Woooowhoooo!
Shark: They sure are! Super excited about that.
Bush Rat: Fill me Sharky; The Trinkets, what’s their story?
Shark: Oh you know a smattering of human emotions, love, fear, violence, joy, wonder, mystery among others…
Bush Rat: Are they Art
Shark: Yes, they are Art.
Eel: Are we Art Sharky?
Shark: We are. We are Art and we are Jewellery. Same thing really.
Seahorse: So Cool! Im bringing all my friends. It’s gonna be a Gathering.
Croc: A true Seahorse Gathering, awesome!
Eel: Are the Koalas friendly?
Shark: No they are angry.
Eel: Why’s that Sharky?
Shark: They have to live in a fucking cement hotel because there’s no trees anymore.
Bush Rat: Who else is coming?
Shark: I guess we will have to wait and see, Ratty.